A TALK about serial killers is set to fascinate locals in Swindon

The Wyvern Theatre stage is usually full of music, colour, and sparkle, but that will change when true crime speaker Jennifer Rees comes to town to explore one of forensic psychology’s most troubling topics.

The 'Psychology of Serial Killers' talk will be taking place on Sunday, February 5, and will tackle many big questions that surround the act of killing multiple people. 

Jennifer will discuss how serial killers are classified and what the differences are between a lust killer and a visionary killer.

She will also debunk common serial killer myths and explain the typical differences between male and female serial killers, again, incorporating case studies to illustrate.

Also on the programme for the audience is a look into killer couples such as Fred and Rose West and The Moors Murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, as well an exploration of 'shared psychosis’.

Finally, Jennifer will discuss the clinical knowledge surrounding why serial killers gain admirers, fan mail, and even spouses in light of their atrocious crimes. 

There will also be a time-lapse video of facial reconstruction on the skull of a discovered body, to demonstrate how victims of serial killers are identified. 

For tickets visit: https://swindontheatres.co.uk/Online/tickets-the-psychology-of-serial-killers-swindon-2023