A severely sight-impaired Swindon actor has starred in a short film created as part of a campaign encouraging sighted people to assist those in need of help.

The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) campaign features a free online guide named 'Be Helpful', created with individuals with sight loss, alongside the video that features Yahya Pandor.

It includes suggestions ranging from making conversation to showing support in everyday scenarios, such as shifting bins back or ensuring cars are parked correctly.

RNIB's research suggests almost 90 per cent of blind or partially sighted people may need assistance when embarking on an unfamiliar journey.

This Is Wiltshire: Yahya PandorYahya Pandor (Image: RNIB)

It also discovered that while 45 per cent of the public believe they know when a blind or partially sighted person requires help, 60 per cent admitted to feeling nervous or uncomfortable offering assistance due to a lack of knowledge or confidence.

The short film, starring actors with sight loss, presents day-to-day situations.

These highlight the challenges frequently faced by individuals with sight loss, like navigating around A-boards on high streets, waiting for buses, dodging wrongly parked cars and bumping into unexpected bins.

Mr Pandor, who is registered severely sight-impaired, features in the section demonstrating the difficulties around moving along pavements filled with parked cars when using a white cane.

He said: "Campaigning and awareness raising around blindness and visual impairment is really important to me.

"I have personal experiences of the issues raised within this film and I think you’d be hard-pressed to find any blind people who haven't.

"The pavements near where I live and work are narrow and I often encounter obstacles such as trees, bins or parked cars.

"I’ve had people apologise and try to guide me around their own badly parked cars instead of moving or not parking in such a way."

Further research by RNIB shows blind and partially sighted people largely welcome assistance from the sighted.

Close to half of the respondents to a survey said they would appreciate assistance at train stations, while almost a third said support is welcome while moving on pavements marred by obstacles.

RNIB's director of insight and customer voice, David Aldwinckle, added: "When somebody asks me at the bus stop if I need any help, I really appreciate it.

"A quick ‘hello’ and question of ‘do you need a hand?’ means I can ask if I’m going the right way and it makes such a difference.”