A newly-painted library inspired by Roald Dahl books will encourage children at Cherhill Primary School to read more.

The library, painted by artist Josh Simpson, features book covers designed by the children and pipes filled with chocolate, as well as new furniture and a brightly coloured patchwork rug in the style of Elmer the elephant. Children will visit every day to change reading books and the school plans to run a lunchtime club for children to go and have stories read to them.

Headteacher Terry Hall said: “We asked the children to come up with some of their favourite books and we took those to Josh Simpson and he came up with the design.

“There were a lot of Roald Dahl books that came up so he used Willy Wonka as the main theme, we’ve called it the Charlie and the Chocolate library.

“It now looks more like a library rather than somewhere where we change books. We have created a space where they can come and enjoy reading.”

More of Mr Simpson’s work can be seen at www.
