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Beware of these scams

Regarding the story on page 2 on Saturday, I find it completely unbelievable that anyone would take £6,500 out of a bank and give it to someone unknown at her door or why her bank manager did not query it.

Regarding the scam, I had a similar one myself from Hammersmith Police saying someone was using my bank card to buy things on the card I still had; then they said my details had been read when I took money from a cash machine and they needed my bank details as proof when they took the thief to court and I could phone my police to see if it was legitimate, which I did. But the scammer phoned me back so quick it was obvious there had been no time for three calls to be connected so I put the phone down.

He phoned again three times and got cross because I’d hung up on him. I found out afterwards he had kept his phone off the hook and I was talking to his accomplice and not my police. I went to Swindon police station and asked if I had called them and was told they hadn’t received a call from me. I then went to my bank and asked if any unaccountable money had been taken out of my account; luckily no. The manager immediately put a stop on any withdrawals and gave me a new bank card. I’d advise anyone else with these calls to do the same.

J Lawrence, Adress supplied

Give peace a chance

On Easter Sunday morning I watched the Pope give his Easter speech and his call for peace around the world. What chance of peace, with wars raging around the world from Afghanistan to Sudan, Syria to Democratic Republic of the Congo, the persecution of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, Israel’s continuing hostilities towards the Palentinians, and Benjamin Netanyahu’s racist persecution of black African migrants in Israel? Why is there no reporting of this brutality in the mainstream British media? We see Donald Trump appoint John Bolton as his national security advisor, a man who rejects diplomacy but advocates more violence in Syria, military action in North Korea, Iran and Russia. Make no mistake John Bolton is an extremely dangerous person. We see our own government continue to sell armoury to Saudi Arabia to carry on with their bombardment and destruction of Yemen.

Wars and persecution of minority groups around the world is never ending, the world needs more pacifist governments and fewer warmongering ones. Peace around the world? At this moment in time sadly I don’t think so.

Martin Webb, Swindon Road, Old Town

Russian influence

Congratulations to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, on reaching “Number One” in the Classic FM Hall of Fame ballot.

It’s a great piece of music and I voted for it myself. However its jump from 6th place last year to top spot in 2018, toppling Britain’s own Ralph Vaughan Williams, just makes me wonder if this is not another poll the Russians have interfered in!

Kevin Small, Jennings Street, Swindon