Staff and pupils at Sherston Primary School have been celebrating its Ofsted rating as a good school with some outstanding features.

The school, which currently has 193 pupils, was praised by the inspectors for providing “good care and guidance for all pupils” and for preparing pupils well for the future.

The inspectors liked the fact that pupil attainment is high and the results that the children achieve at the end of Year 6 are “outstanding” compared with other primary schools.

The quality of provision, outcomes, leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage were rated as “outstanding”, meaning reception class pupils are given an excellent start to their school career.

The report said: “Behaviour is good.

“Pupils make a good contribution to the school and local community, and links with schools abroad are helping them understand how to become good global citizens.

“The curriculum provides broad and rich learning experiences that promote pupils’ academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well.

“Pupils are taught how to keep healthy and stay safe, and to learn about the world around them through a range of interesting topics and activities.”

Teaching was found to be good overall and sometimes outstanding.

Headteacher Nick Bowditch was proud of the school’s achievements. Meanwhile pupils celebrated by dressing as pirates for the day to link in with the completion of their latest topic – water.

He said: “The whole school community should be pleased with the outcome of our inspection.

“It’s the result of a great deal of hard work by everyone.

“It is now important that we focus on our priorities and continue to move the school forward.”

Richard Hulme, chairman of the governors added: “I am delighted with the result.

“This is appropriate recognition for a lot of hard work by our headteacher, all the staff and the governing body in the last three and a half years.

“We will now focus on maintaining the excellent progress that the school has recently made.”

The Ofsted findings indicated there have been significant improvements since the last inspection in 2008.

The inspector said: “Since the previous inspection, the quality of teaching and the curriculum have improved and, as a result, so have pupils’ achievements.”