A GYM which appeared in Gipsy Lane has baffled residents, who claimed the owners did not seek planning permission before opening.

The gym was set up in the old Crowood building, vacant since Sanctuary Housing Association vacated the property last year.

Residents realised they had not been told of planning permission for the change of use after they were notified of a new snooker hall opening on the top floor of the building.

The gym opened on the ground floor three months ago, sparking concerns its owners had foregone the planning process.

But the owner has since submitted plans, and residents will be informed soon.

Colin Bluett, of Gipsy Lane, said: “We never had any paperwork through for the changes of use for the ground floor. The gym almost sprang up out of nowhere. It has been going for about three months now.

“At first we did not think anything of it. It was not until the planning application went through for the snooker hall on the top floor that we realised that we had nothing through from the council for the changes of use to the ground floor.

“It would have needed planning approval for change of use, because it was used as offices before.”.

Steven Moors, of Gipsy Lane, said: “Although I have no immediate problem with the offices changing their use, the ground floor has already been adapted as a boxing gym.”

A Swindon Council spokesman said: “We were alerted to the fact that a small amateur boxing club was operating out of one of the ground floor units at Crowood House and, as a result, advised the owner of the need to apply for planning permission.”

The gym owners had been asked to provide more information after submitting a retrospective planning application for a change of use.

“Once the application has been validated it will go through the normal planning process where nearby residents will be informed and have the chance to comment on the application.”