After spending two weeks in occupied Palestine, teenager Holly Law will be sharing her stories in a personal, emotional and slightly unorthodox talk to the Frome Friends of Palestine on Thursday, February 5.

Holly, a Frome student, travelled to the West Bank as part of an activist theatre project, came home shaken by what she’d seen, and is now set on shaking everyone else.

Straying from the political side of the conflict, Holly hopes to create a soundscape of live music and words, titled Ocean Songs to evoke the emotions she experienced in Palestine, and create an understanding of the real human effects of this oppression – and the effects we can have when we act against it.

The meeting is open to all at St Catharine’s Hall, Park Road, Frome, at 7.30pm. Admission is £3 with all proceeds towards bringing the Freedom Theatre of Jenin to Frome in May.