RESPONSIBLE politicians (if any can be found) should be greatly concerned at the abuse being heaped on the indigenous population by their elected leaders. We are informed that because we are living longer the pension retirement age must be raised.

In truth the money which should be available for the care of pensioners has been used for the benefit of millions of immigrants encouraged to take up residence in the UK by traitors such as Blair.

Further, large sums of taxpayers’ money has been doled out to foreign governments. Huge sums of taxpayers’ money are required to prop up the NHS in the face of overwhelming demand. There is a saying, “cometh the hour, cometh the man” and that hour has most certainly arrived.

Our young people have a rapidly reducing period of time in which to wake up and smell the coffee. I hope to God and for the sake of our country, they will wake up in time.

Frank Avenell, Beckhampton Street, Swindon