CAN you believe our council?

By their own admission, they state the amount of waste at the Averies site in Marshgate makes the extinguishing of the fire difficult.

How can a site of this size be allowed to accumulate in the middle of the town, surrounded by houses,small business and retail parks?

A disaster waiting to happen. We won’t bother to regulate your business. Our council out to lunch again.

And the powers that be wonder why the turn out is so poor at local elections.

Vote for who? I’m still waiting for the ‘common sense party’.

And what on earth is Wiltshire Fire Brigade’s position in a situation such as this?

They make regular fire safety checks on businesses, do they not? So why not this one? Their recommendation must surely carry some clout.

Oh well, another night of closed windows as the wind turns our way, bringing this disgusting smell across the Parks again. Lovely summer – thanks SBC.

Robert Webb, Bideford Close, Park North