WITH regard to Andrew Parkin and his Epetition calling for an inquiry, how on earth is that going to be any benefit to putting this fire out?

An inquiry will also cost more money and who will be footing the bill?

It is a very difficult situation and there is no simple answer and someone will be upset by any decision made.

If it has to be moved, the Park And Ride site at Penhill seems to be the lesser of several evils, as it is council owned and will not increase costs astronomically.

Also the site is enclosed and will be monitored 24 hours a day.

Mark Dempsey and the Green Party have suggested taking the waste away to some specialised site but they didn’t tell us where this site was.

Not only will this add to more pollution, it has been mentioned it could amount to 250 lorry loads, but this will be very costly.

Some of the agencies are being criticised which I think is most unfair and the one escaping this is Averies, whose problem this is.

They are keeping a low profile and apparently have not disclosed whether they are insured, which appears doubtful. It looks as if the ratepayers of Swindon will be paying for this catastrophe.

It was nice to read the letter from someone living in Penhill who was prepared to put up with the waste being moved to the Park And Ride to help solve the situation rather than dump it on anyone’s doorstep but their own.

Name and address supplied