As I reminisce in the late evening of life’s journey, my memories in Swindon focus on her people and the tremendous love and support I have been privileged to receive.

However, the town itself is not aesthetically beautiful and is lacking in splendid historic buildings which brings me to the greatest neglect of all in Swindon.

The Mechanic’s Institute. For far too long this national treasure has been allowed to fester and die. Time is of the essence for this worthy historic monument to be reborn in absolute splendour, to stand proudly next to Swindon Station, reclaiming its rightful heritage in the great age of Steam.

This unique, vitally important building is beyond all measure to raise the profile of the town, enhance the Railway Village, honour all the proud men of steel and total commitment and revive the historic memories of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The Railway Museum is excellent; however, The Mechanics Insitutute dwells in a state of appalling dereliction on the other side of the track in the very heart of the Railway Village.

The village itself deserves the right to feel justly proud of their monument of worthy commemoration.

Martha Parry, Daniel Rose and their loyal group of supporters have long fought and struggled to save this national treasure.

Isn’t it time that current ‘men of steel’ and vision rose to this urgent commitment of restoration to enhance the town and save this irreplaceable icon of history for us all and for future generations?

Retired railway men who meet every Thursday in the village hall would be elated and very proud to see The Mechanics Institute restored. After all, the inventive ‘age of the train’ changed our way of travel forever.

Mary Ratcliffe Old Town, Swindon