There is a new interest and openness today about the world's most fearsome mystery – where we go when we die.

Invariably a taboo topic, death has lately come into its own as a conversation piece.

However, death comes in various packages: people die horrible deaths by Islamic extremists, by being simply on holiday even. Children are abused, some murdered, and lives wrecked by organized paedophiles; traffickers smuggle innocent women into prostitution here; our prisons are overflowing with the guilty of many a heinous crime, and worse.

The world is full of murderers, rapists, blackmailers, thieves, anti-social elements whose only aim in life is to make yours unbearable. Some evil incarnate. Need I go on?

Contrast this then to Barrie Hudson's one way (Acorah’s) interview with the medium Derek Acorah (In the spirit of communication, Adver 18/9/14).

The following he insists is what we can look forward to after death: ‘The person can look forward to being released from pain. There follows great elation at finding themselves in the company of loved ones surrounding them, seeing them for the first time in however many years.’ Notice how this twaddle avoids mention of Christ and the Holy Bible. It bypasses them. All will be honky dory! Do what you like on earth!

What happens to the above who have committed evil? The Bible says Judgement. Judgement for all except for those who are in Christ and saved.

Scripture warns about such charlatans: keep away from them, they’ll defile you! Charles Darwin went about in his leisure time exposing them for what they really are: cruel, misleading, evil.

They are as evil as American TV Evangelical preachers offering you God’s rich blessings-provided you supply them with money.

What’s the medium Derek Acorah getting out of it? Hope for you and your dearest departed?

Tickets start at £18. 50.

Steve Nibbs Milton Road Swindon