Educators, whether parents or teachers, help students, whether sons, daughters or pupils, under a necessary condition: the main target of education is the student, and all external help the student can get for him or herself is detrimental. Giving unnecessary help is equivalent to overprotecting the student and exempting him or her from the necessary efforts and exercise of his or her willpower, which is the foundation of his or her education.

Educators are the guiding counsellors of a student’s education by helping them develop their potential to the maximum possible (i.e. help discover what they already have inside), and overcome their limitations,whether academic or personal, as well as guide them towards their path through the consistency of our own lives, with permanent values and virtues, as well as our authority and example.

Guide the student through words, but most of all through examples, without forgetting the importance of knowing how to listen.

Exercise authority in its facets of power and service, by taking opportunistic decisions, demanding with prudence, and implementing a system of rewards and punishments oriented to the development of a student’s well being. Know the student. Each student is different from those of the same age group and from his or her siblings. Each of them has their own potentials and limitations.

Arturo Ramo Independent Forum of Opinion