There have been several references to the story of Noah and the Ark recently in this paper.

This story that people try to vindicate has so many holes in the tale it gets beyond silly.

It first occurred, written into the epic of Gilgamesh, written in Sanskrit. It involved a farmer building a raft and saving his livestock in a flood.

If the whole of the Earth was flooded then all the life in the soils would perish and leave it sterile.

Nothing would grow, particularly if the land was soaked in sea-water.

Where did the water drain away to? To cover the Earth it would need to be miles deep.

If it evaporated into the atmosphere the amount of water droplets suspended would make it un-breathable.

Where did Noah manage to get a pair of kangaroos from?

Also predators need herds of animals to prey upon, once set free from the confines of the Ark.

If they had to depend on what was set free for food, all of the species saved from the flood would have been eaten long before they were able to breed and reproduce. Nonsense!

As for human beings having a sufficient genetic mix to repopulate the Earth from the few people left on the Ark, well you can forget that!

Although as human beings we display madness constantly and kill each other, so maybe?

Barry E Woodham Scotby Avenue Swindon