The outgoing President of the EU Commission, former Maoist revolutionary, Jose Manuel Barrosa from Portugal, states on British national television that Britain has no control over our own borders.

Anything the British Prime Minister tries to implement to stop the unceasing flow of migrants swamping our housing, hospitals, schools and way of life, not to mention our benefits system, he smugly states would be illegal.

This is a country that stood against the Nazis, not to mention Waterloo and Trafalgar, yet we cannot take measures to secure our shores in our best interests and those of our children and grandchildren, because of a pompous unelected by the people, nobody and his accomplices in Federalism, their sole purpose being the extinction of the sovereign state, their main aim to turn Great Britain into a mere vassal province of Europe. When did that become the purpose of the Common Market?

Anyone with common sense knows that a British withdrawal from the EU would be a financial body blow to the already economic basket case that it already is, constantly waving the begging bowl for more hand outs to support the failing Euro currency. We should be dictating terms to them, not the other way about.

If ever a British Prime Minister has thrown away the chance of a landslide victory at the General Election by simply standing firm on the altar of freedom for his people, David Cameron is the one. I suspect after the next by election he may have even lost that opportunity.

Bill Williams Merlin Way Swindon