I was pleased to read a letter from one of your correspondents thanking the team of workers who keep the hedgerows clear and tidy in his area. I just wish the same team would come and sort out the hedgerows in West Swindon.

The way the area was planned, it left a wealth of beautiful natural hedgerows and trees. Unfortunately, in our area the brush and natural detritus is not cleared and cleaned away, and year upon year these lovely spaces which have the potential to be beautiful, look worse and worse. Added to which the humans who toss out all their old rubbish there, increase the problem. It seems the only “care’’ these lovely areas have is to be massacred and slashed by some sort of machine which tears the hedges to pieces, wrecking anything delicate in its wake. Probably driven by personnel who clearly have no expertise in caring for these natural habitats. Please could the council sort it out in the future?

J D Hill Grosmont Drive, West Swindon