Once again we see the dishonesty endemic in national politics perpetrated by none other than the Prime Minister, with his claim to ‘recognise marriage in the tax system’.

Mr Cameron proudly proclaims the launch of a new tax break for couples, but as with everything a politician says, there are conditions and caveats galore.

In this case the claim that it recognises marriage is fanciful whilst the statement the tax break is for couples goes on to apply conditions which make the whole programme quite ludicrous.

It would only be an Oxbridge boy who could claim the new allowance “couldn’t be simpler or more straightforward”.

Doubtless he thinks the same applies to Quantum Physics.

Sadly, the Cleggites are right when they say of this shallow policy: “It is not actually given to all married couples”, as such it really is not worth the paper it is written on.

As Mr Osborne himself has said, “We made a promise to introduce a recognition of marriage into our tax system”. I doubt anyone thought he meant to do this on such a selective and divisive basis.

Des Morgan Caraway Drive Swindon