There are several problems with the letter from Bill Collins entitled “Muslims to blame”. I think we have to understand where he gets these ideas from.

The first problem is his mentality. Three young innocent students in their early twenties were massacred by a man who hated them because of their religion.

Mr Collins has defended the murderer by saying the following: “It was a direct result of the almost daily reports of Jihadis killing or kidnapping somebody, be it in the Middle East, Africa or Asia.”

Yet he quotes one incident of what happened in the USA by one madman. “Twenty-one Egyptians were beheaded. Their crime? They were Coptic Christians. Muslims have got a lot to answer for.”

The killer was a madman. This is a tactic which is used by the Western politicians and useful group called journalists. Whenever a non-Muslim commits a crime, then he or she becomes mentally ill or a madman or psychologically unfit.

It was a crime to harm the Coptic Christians or Muslims in the US. Coptic Christians are our sisters and brothers. If anyone harms them, it is as though they harm us too. Crime is always a crime no matter who commits it.

The second problem is that he, Ian Hunt, Steve Nibbs, T Reynolds and other Islamophobics are demonising Muslims who were born or have the right to be in this country. He writes: “Muslims have got a lot to answer for.” That worries me tremendously! Because comments like that means Muslims are no longer safe. The Muslims have the right to be here like anyone else. They obey the law and live a normal life.

All four of these gentlemen have failed to engage in a coherent way. All of their letters have nothing but two messages to the Muslim community in Swindon: hate and arrogance.

In return, on behalf of the Muslims, I send you love and peace. Hate is not good for your hearts and minds. Arrogance makes life unknowable and repugnant.

Axmed Bahjad Fleet Street Swindon