ELLA March demonstrates a level of political conviction which is absolutely admirable.

However, some of her comments do need to be challenged. She claims the Conservatives have damaged the education system but offers no example to substantiate her claim.

Amazingly, Labour was in charge of education for 13 of the last 18 years.

Is Ella seriously expecting your readers to believe no damage was done in the period 1997-2010?

Ella suggests the heroes of 1945 voted for a completely free NHS. Is she suggesting Conservatives didn’t want, support or vote for the introduction of the NHS?

Perhaps she might stop and think how the NHS, which Labour constantly claim will vanish under the Conservatives, has actually been preserved by both parties during the 67 years of its existence – 40 under the Conservatives and 27 under Labour.

I assume from her keen support of the anti-Conservative protests in London that Ella agrees all Tories are scum and it is perfectly proper and mature to refer to Tories as filth.

In doing so she joins her hero, Nye Bevan, who infamously confirmed his “burning hatred for the Conservative Party” by describing them as “lower than vermin”.

As a political observer and commentator for many years, I have never felt a mainstream politician or party deserving of such opprobrium.

Democracy has many interesting definitions.

In the British model we are represented by politicians who are elected based on a first past the post regimen.

This system is a democratic model in that it allows the people to vote for the representative of their choice, or indeed to not vote at all.

It may not be what Ella wants and indeed it has many imperfections. Even Winston Churchill recognised the imperfections of the electoral system and railed against it, but he also recognised it had some merit and that other systems proposed had their inherent faults.

The reality appears to be that no single electoral system will please “all of the people, all of the time”.

DES MORGAN Caraway Drive, Swindon