ON THE evening of Monday, May 11, I went to the Swindon Arts Centre where, as part of the Swindon Festival of Literature, Peter Tatchell the LGBT and Human Rights activist, spoke in length about the fact that he was born into a strong Christian household, but is now a humanist.

He also spoke about something we take for granted, which is turning the tap on each morning and having fresh clean water to drink but, as he stated, there are millions of people around the globe that do not have access to clean water and this consequently leads to the deaths of thousands of people on a daily basis.

The following morning, I watched BBC Breakfast and it was reported that many of the world’s billionaires were in New York to bid for a painting by Pablo Picasso, which later that day was sold to an anonymous bidder for £102m.

Is it right that one person can spend such a vast amount of money on a painting when at the same time fellow human beings are dying through lack of water?

MARTIN WEBB Swindon Road, Swindon