NOTHING changes when the elections come around and the end results are the usual Labour/Tory victories.

Oh yes, let us permit other parties, UKIP, Greens etc have a say, but due to this archaic, out of date system, it’s like letting goldfish swim with piranhas.

Until the system is changed (like the Scots) and it is votes that count, it’s a waste of time people going to the polling booths.

The only other way the voices of people can be heard is taking to the streets and forcing the issue.

‘Oh’, they say, ‘this will never happen in the UK’. How gullible to think this way.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time.

I still can’t get my head round how the Scots have so many seats in Westminster. Talk about the best of both worlds.

UKIP is the one party that I have the most sympathy for; their voice is the only one true voice that will sort out the real issues that plague this land, NHS, migration, European crazy laws.

As for the lot that got in, I’m not holding my breath, like the previous elections I have lived through.

H G SMITH Wroughton