I DO believe that all citizens, irrespective of their political persuasion, expect the government of the day to act in a grown up manner and maintain a sense of equality in its treatment of people. However, I am not sure this is true today as we witness such childish, vindictive and partisan behaviour from the Tory administration. Even Mrs Thatcher, for all the errors she made, drew the line that today’s "sons of Thatcher" have gone beyond.

A grown up organisation should be able to robustly put forward evidence to support its point of view. Unfortunately, what we are seeing is the exact opposite. Those organisations that had the temerity to speak out against the Government’s views are finding they are to be beaten with a big stick.

Thus, unions who campaigned, correctly in my opinion, against job losses, zero hour contracts and food banks are finding legislation limiting their activities on the horizon.

It is not surprising that "Britain needs a pay rise", as spoken by the Chancellor, is limited to all those who didn’t speak out against the Government. So, nurses, teachers and policemen will find their wages have been cut again by 2020, and all this because they voiced opposition to pay freezes, job cuts and constant Government denigration in the media. But the biggest stick of all is to be used against the BBC. For the price of 40p each week day (almost free, what can you buy for 40p?) I can receive 24 hour TV and radio. This is the only impartial and trusted broadcasting system.

Now the vindictiveness of true Conservatives comes into play. Not content with having frozen the licence fee for the last five years, the Government decided, without any evidence at all, that the BBC is biased. It may have more to do with the fact that they alone are prepared to make and broadcast news, or to question the official policy when showing the havoc the Tories have done and will continue to do so, to the fabric of this country.

During the election, the Prime Minister no less, vowed to shut them down. Appalling behaviour from the holder of such a post. The moral of this tale I suppose, is compliance means you will not be picked on, but raise your head above the parapet and a hammer will hit you. No wonder they are called the Nasty Party.

BOB PIXTON Abney Moor Swindon