QUAINT graffiti such as the antique 60-year-old No Nazi Army is testament to our brave forebears, who stopped the German Hun from slaughtering thee and me (Adver letters, July 13).

It’s as appurtenant today as in the 1950s.

Quaint footage of the young (Queen) Elizabeth performing a Nazi salute; personally I never took to the Nazis and was never so foolish as to copy their salute, let alone have it filmed for posterity.

In May’s letter I wondered if the Queen supported England or Germany, I am now perplexed.

Quaint letters such as that from HJ Smith of Wroughton saying ‘blow up our enemies’ (Adver letters, July 6) are scary, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

The content may be inflammatory but it shows we live in a free country. Freedom of speech and thought, but hopefully with the power of a gnat.

Quaint politicians like Dave Cameron and Gideon Osborne are simply perpetuating the austerity of the post-war period (1945-55). Handing on the misery that their own parents experienced in their own upper-class way.

Austerity, what austerity? Speaker of the House John Bercow’s expenses beggar belief. Expensive taxi rides and chauffeur driven cars at the taxpayers’ expense.

They say the Speaker is always mindful of costs, but he looks smug and probably doesn’t give a toss. His ilk make our nation morally and financially bankrupt.

Quaint lion sculptures by Carleton Attwood in Bridge Street (Adver, July 22); I had a good look at the soppy beast. It would take a brave toddler to climb on him now he’s mounted on a plinth. Mounted like poor Cecil the lion, shot by a sub-human US dentist on a hunt in Zimbabwe.

MS A REEVE Okus Road Old Town