MARTIN Webb is undoubtedly a man who has a limitless amount of compassion for the people he defines as escaping war and conflict, but he spoils his letter (Saturday, August 27) by allowing his own prejudices to come to the fore.

Correspondents, according to Martin, show their disdain to those fleeing brutality and he asks whether they have any compassion for those seeking to better their lives by illegally entering this country.

Finally, he plays the much used ‘trump card’ designed to stop all debate and argument on the subject – he asks whether skin colour and religion play a part in the alleged resentment and animosity shown to ‘these people’.

Many of the correspondents to the letters column articulate a common feeling which is often spoken in hushed tones so as to avoid condemnation from the likes of Martin.

Various surveys suggest the issue of immigration, legal and illegal, is of importance to many people, and it does Martin little credit to suggest that all these people lack compassion.

Whether Martin likes it or not, the truth is that some people in this country see immigration and illegal immigration in particular as an issue.

And people like Martin are perceived as well intentioned ‘do gooders’ who allow sentiment and emotion to cloud their judgement.

To suggest that legal tax avoidance, however unpalatable, and illegal immigration can be compared against each other is quite absurd.

Although I, too, share Martin’s view that it is outrageous that HMRC appears unable to collect more than £34 billion of tax a year which is legally due.

Compassion is evidenced in many forms and the people of Swindon are properly recognised for their sense of fairness and kind heartedness.

Simply because a person’s view on whether it is right to support illegal immigrants or to question why people want to claim asylum in England as opposed to France, Italy, Greece or Turkey, is at variance with Martin’s does not indicate a lack of compassion on their part.

Finally, I congratulate Martin for his work with asylum seekers and the Harbour Project – but it’s not necessary for everyone to agree with his views, or indeed mine!

DES MORGAN Caraway Drive, Swindon