COUNCIL leader David Renard really must get another ‘record’ as he can’t simply continue to play the old one over and over again in the hope that having heard it so many times we will all become accepting of its message.

I refer to his constant claim that the residents of the town have no option other than to accept ‘fundamental change in how the council works and the services it provides’, SA 24 September.

We know that for this administration their vision for the future is myopic and doesn’t really go much beyond the next election, and despite what they say their 30 pledges are simply ‘flim flam’ designed to impress, but failing on every count.

The people of Swindon are not fooled by councillors citing works already underway as a ‘pledge’ to do something.

We can see the demolition of two car parks in progress, we know that a new health centre will be built in the town centre, so promising to do these things is an insult to our intelligence.

Coun Renard attempts to introduce as part of the council’s ‘new vision’ the concept of working together with what he calls alliances, partnerships and coalitions.

But let’s go back to June 2011 when in a flurry of publicity his predecessor launched One Swindon with all that entailed.

Who can fail to have been impressed with the promises made, “our beautiful parks will be improved and maintained”, whereas today we are told they will be disposed of and leased to the highest bidder.

DES MORGAN Caraway Drive Swindon