I HAVE spent many holidays in Europe with my family over the years. The last one to Spain, before the European Disunion introduced the eventual financially unsustainable overall currency, to Frau Merkel’s advantageous Fourth Reich. Namely the euro.
Due to my wife’s health problems I cannot now leave our shores. But we enjoy the numerous seaside resorts of our precious island. Besides that fact I would not dream at the moment of leaving Britain with my family to visit Europe. The countries we visited then were vibrant, economically surviving, many through the tourist trade.
In general, they were terrorist free and you were welcomed. Look at the entrance to the Channel tunnel now. Why?
Look at the situation at the moment. Then all ask yourselves why Europe has become a financial basket case rife with terrorist atrocities. Not to mention our safety in the streets of our own homeland.
Think very carefully when you cast your vote for in or out of the Armageddon inflicted upon us by non-elected, financially orientated gravy train idiots. Sanctioned by their spineless counterparts at Westminster. I await replies from the misguided Europhile lemmings to the contrary – with hand on the keyboard, in anticipation.
Merlin Way