WITH the referendum to stay or leave the Eurozone approaching there has been a lot of information being bandied about, some true and some fabricated.

No-one would really know what the outcome would be if the UK left the Eurozone, as it is something that has not happened before.

Until today, I was undecided which way to vote. I have little faith in the European Union, and if you sent our own present leaders to the corner shop for a bottle of milk, they would come back with a loaf of bread.

Come the ballot box, people will have to decide which is the lesser of the two evils.

I can well believe by being in and trading with the European Union we benefit financially, we gain more than we contribute.

It's all the other negatives that scare me; population explosion and the possible collapse of public services, it's quite scary.

To my knowledge, Brussels wants every member state using the Euro by 2020. How safe is the Euro currency? It doesn't look good to me from the info I have been reading.

There are many leading economists who believe it's only a matter of time before the Euro crashes with irreparable and dire consequences to all member states of the Union.

That's a good enough reason for me to vote, leave.

WILLIAM ABRAHAM Rodbourne, Swindon