WITH reference to David Collins’ letter he states all the flooding is caused by run-off from the extra the housing that we have built and that I haven’t taken account of this.
He is wrong, flooding is caused by extreme weather systems causing hugely inflated rainfall. Run-off certainly plays a part in the flooding and I have taken this into account.
When open space here in Gorse Hill and Pinehurst was threatened by development, I wrote a proposal for an alternative use for the land and part of my proposal was the need for woods to prevent run-off, indeed this was part of Hreod Burna Urban Forest’s submission to the Charity Commission for charitable status and to the council to lease the land to us.
Dave says that Prof Singer is better informed than me. Without doubt, he is better educated than me, but he is not better informed than the 97 per cent of climate scientists who are agreed that climate change is man-made.
He is also a serial denier, he denied UV light causes cancer, he denied ozone depletion existed and denied that passive smoking causes illness.
Dave writes that there is no proof that temperature gradients cause wilder weather.
I might not be a climatologist but I know that all weather is caused by temperature gradients.
Hot air rises and cold air sinks, this causes wind as air rushes to balance the atmosphere.
Come on Dave, they teach this at primary school.
Dave also writes wild weather is caused by El Niño not temperature gradients.
El Niño is a weather gradient, as is the Gulf Stream that is being threatened by the warming of the Arctic.
Norman Road, Swindon