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Anonymity is granted only at the discretion of the editor, who also reserves the right to edit letters.

Problems with the NHS

I HAVE just experienced the problems the NHS suffers due to the sheer volume of people being sent to the Emergency Services Department.

Waiting for a hospital bed for just over 12 hours gave me much time to think about the terrible problems that exist with the NHS at large.

However, the good news was that I was eventually seen and professionally dealt with by the team responsible for my problem.

The experience opened my eyes to just how lacking in funding the NHS is and I just hope that the service survives.

The armband I was wearing showed my hospital number, name, date of birth and lastly my NHS number. It led me to wonder why some people who are not entitled to free treatment on the NHS are still being allowed.

And why are the NHS administrators saying that it would be a difficult thing to do? And why is the government even thinking of asking people to show their passports before they receive treatment when this information is readily available on these tabs and pinned to patients on admittance to hospitals?

In short, all NHS establishments, and that includes surgeries, have to do is ask the simple questions printed on the tab I referred to, before treatment can even start.

It costs nothing. No NHS number, no treatment, it’s as simple as that.

But no doubt the Greens of this world would disagree and have us believe that everything is for free.


Hill View Road



EU debate is over

IN REPLY to Dr Brian Matthew (December 9) it seems that he is still campaigning for the Remain side in the EU referendum and wants to go through all the same old arguments again.

The referendum took place on June 23 and the country voted to leave the EU. The debate is over and people are getting sick of those who want to start the whole argument all over again.

Britain’s manufacturing industry has been severely damaged by our EU membership. The EU tendering system has meant that much of our industry has moved to Germany. It is German industry that has gained the most from the creation of the EU.

The British people want to make our own laws here in Britain. We want to be able to buy bananas of any shape we like without being told by the EU that our bananas are the wrong shape.


Burnham Road, Swindon


The recycling test

TWO points regarding the article in the paper on December 7 about the closure of 12 local recycling sites.

The acid test is the amount, possibly, saved for council tax payers rather than the authority. Passing the cost to parishes will not pass this test.

Secondly, the verbosity of SBC’s spokesman in the final paragraph could be replaced by a simple “yes” – fly-tipping is likely to increase.


Moresby Close, Westlea, Swindon