PLEASE keep your letters to 250 words maximum giving your name, address and daytime telephone number - even on emails. Email: Write: Swindon Advertiser, 100 Victoria Road, Swindon, SN1 3BE. Phone: 01793 501806.

Anonymity is granted only at the discretion of the editor, who also reserves the right to edit letters.

Easter Egg facts

THERE is currently much concern in Christian circles as to the status of the Easter Egg - but what are the facts?

As with the many dying and resurrected gods of antiquity, eg. Mithras, Adonis, Osiris et al, the death and resurrection of Jesus was placed as near as possible to the Vernal Equinox. Thus, in accordance with Babylonian-Mithraic custom it was put after the full moon.

As there is no valid primary historical evidence for the alleged life of Jesus it was not until 525 AD that the date of the resurrection was finally settled. It was to be the Sunday following the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox, usually March 21.

It should be noted that this date is calculated by the use of lunar tables based initially on the Julian calendar, and later the Gregorian reformed calendar. However, the tables refer to an imaginary moon, and not a real one.

The name ‘Easter’ comes from Eostre (Ostara) an Anglo-Saxon goddess of the spring and was not adopted by the Christian church until the Middle-Ages.

The egg was sacred to both the Egyptian Isis (later adopted by the early Christian church as the Virgin Mary), and Osiris. It was a symbol of life and immortality, as it was to the Babylonian Ishtar and, later the Druids. The early Christian church - both Greek and Roman - adopted it as a symbol of resurrection and eternal life. In consequence, the egg entered the Easter ritual as the Easter Egg.

Therefore, eat and enjoy your pagan Easter Egg - albeit chocolate. The vision of St Cadbury was correct.

Finally, perhaps the Archbishop of York would benefit from a modest study of the origins of Christian symbolism and ritual?


Burford Avenue


Marine kept us safe

I THINK that Martin Webb is being very unfair to Marine Blackman, I was under the impression that he had his sentence reduced because of severe mental problems brought on by the situation he found himself in.

I think that unless you have experienced the situation that Marine Blackman was in you can have no idea of the horrors he was facing.

I have never had to face this situation but I am eternally grateful for soldiers such as Marine Blackman and his colleagues who keep us all safe.


Ashbourne Close


What prosperity?

Welcome to Theresa May’s “The Family really does Matter Week and Everyone WILL share in our prosperity.”

Benefit CUTS start.

Family element of child tax credit - GONE.

Housing benefit for 18 to 21-year-old Jobseekers - GONE.

ESN CUT by £29.05 a week.

Bereavement payments - GONE.

Two-child Tax Credit limit starts.

But hey, it’s not all bad news: MP’s pay/perks is going UP - AGAIN.


