I AGREE with J Marsiglia (SA, May 10) that the Jury’s Inn roundabouts can be tricky, and I sympathise. When not chauffeuring Madagascar Mayors’ Mountain Motorcycles (SA, page 15, May 10) I’m a DAS Approved Driving Instructor (ADI). Although this location is no longer on any DSA test route, I make a point of teaching pupils to negotiate it comfortably.

Swindon isn’t the only place with driving problems like this. For a mere £25, I (or any other green badge ADIs) would be delighted to meet you in the Halfords car park for an hour to explain with a Google Earth photo the theory of this and nearby road layouts, then talk you through driving them, from the passenger seat of your car, and/or the driving seat of my dual-control car, passing on a few tips about ‘defensive driving’. This could reduce the likelihood of future bills or injury caused either by your own mistakes or the actions of ‘other’ idiots on the road.

The driving test does not make anyone a good driver; simply that, on the day, they demonstrate that they are safe enough to continue practising on their own. I’m still learning after 43 years.

With financial cutbacks make do and mend has returned. Make do with existing imperfect roads, and mend our driving habits to use road space more efficiently. I believe that more skilful and intelligent driving alone can increase road capacity by 10 to 30 per cent, thus reducing tax bills. We can all help.

NEIL CULLEN Maidstone Road Swindon