ALLEGED fraudster Melanie Buss has been permitted to take a family holiday while she awaits trial – but only if she surrenders her passport.

The sister of Help for Heroes fundraiser Mike Buss has previously denied two counts of theft and one of fraud.

It is alleged that between February 14 and March 30 last year Ms Buss stole tools worth hundreds of pounds as well as ex-partner Daniel Davies’s Ford Transit van, which was essential for his business.

It is also alleged she claimed ownership of the van in order to sell it on to a third party, Stuart Miller, when she was not the registered owner and attempting to make a gain for herself.

Yesterday, in Swindon Crown Court, Ms Buss applied for her bail conditions of residing at a certain address to be relaxed so she can go on holiday.

Paul Trotman, defending, said: “What she is saying is that she is planning to take a number of holidays, in particular with her daughter.

“This is a matter involving an alleged theft of a van following the breakdown of an alleged relationship between the complainant and herself, which she is disputing.

“She has been under these conditions for some time now, and the condition not to contact the complainant can remain. She plans to take her daughter on holiday over the summer, and conditions of residence make it very difficult to do that.”

But Simon Goodman, prosecuting, said: “The police in this case would have concerns that the defendant would seek to flee the country.

“If she were to surrender her passport there would be no objections. We are not against the idea of her going on holiday, but we would want her to stay within the UK.”

Ms Buss remains on bail conditions not to contact Daniel Davies, and her condition of residence has been relaxed on condition she surrenders her passport before any holiday.