STAFF at the Coral betting shop in Fore Street in Trowbridge took part in an ice bucket challenge on Friday to raise money for Children with Cancer UK.

The challenge is one of several being undertaken by Coral shops throughout the region including a 500-mile relay cycle ride from Swansea to Newton Abbot next month.

Members of the company have also completed leg waxes, marathons and other challenges to raise £50,000 for the charity.

Area manager Graham Whitten said: “We have been in partnership with Children with Cancer for a number of years, raising more than £2 million in the past few years. My sister has suffered from spina bifida since she was a child so I saw what she went through and it feels great to help others struggling, no matter the condition. Small charities rely on donations from companies like ourselves.”

George Sherwin, regional operations manager, said: “People can pop into any Coral shop to sponsor us. It is a worthy cause.”