Serious injuries on roads throughout Wiltshire have taken a dramatic drop, members of Wiltshire Fire Service's Swindon scrutiny and performance committee were told.

Throughout late 2017 and early 18 monthly totals for serious injuries ranged between the mid-teens and the mid twenties. The lowest months for casualties according to the fire service's report made yesterday were November 2017 and February last year with 11 each, while the highs were 25 in May 2017 and 23 in June last summer.

After 16 serious injuries in crashes on the county's roads in July last year there have been none in the eight months since August 2018 to March inclusive.

There were three deaths in accidents on the county's roads last year, one in each of May, June and July and again since then there have been no fatalities.

Figures for people killed and seriously injured on the M4 since last summer were not made available by Wiltshire Police