TWO schools received a much-appreciated cash injection as they were given more than £10,000 each as part of Malmesbury Co-op’s local causes scheme.

Luckington Community School and Lea & Garsdon Primary School are planning to use the money by spending it directly on things which affect the children's education, including adding new technology.

The cash is raised annually from one per cent of Co-op’s own brand product sales, as well as a portion of the carrier bag levy.

David Cook, headteacher of Luckington School, said: “Obviously we’re really thankful to receive this amount of money.

“Friends of Luckington School sorted out the application to get the money. They are really good at helping to fundraise for us.

“Everyone knows that schools nowadays are struggling to get money. We’re a tiny school of 56 pupils so this money is huge for us.

“We’re hoping to use the money to improve school equipment but haven’t made a definite decision yet.”

Peter Shewring, headteacher of Lea & Garsdon School, added: “It’s fantastic. We’re hoping to use the money to buy new digital whiteboards for the three new classrooms we are building soon.

“It’s really good to see local businesses supporting causes and schools like ourself. It ties into one of our key values as a school which is community.

“The money our PTA is able to raise through schemes like this gives the kids opportunities they would not usually have.”

Store manager Gary Grimsby said: “Being able to give causes like this money is amazing. It’s one of the real highlights of what we do.

“My wife does PTA work so I know how hard it is to get funds. Getting £10,000 is huge for the schools.

“This is what Co-op is about, we want to support local causes.”

In 2019 Co-operative stores across the UK gave £17m to more than 1,400 causes.