The opening hours for Great Western Hospital's Urgent Care Centre are changing from Monday.

The centre will be closing slightly earlier during the coronavirus pandemic - opening from 7am until 8pm instead of 7am until 10pm.

But it will still be open seven days a week, 365 days a year -including weekends and bank holidays.

Anyone can walk into the centre without an appointment if they feel they or their loved ones are in need of urgent health care.

A hospital spokesman said: "The Urgent Care Centre works together with the Emergency Department as one big team and we move patients between the two based on their treatment needs. This is the best way for us to provide your treatment as safely and quickly as possible.

"If the centre is closed or you're not sure what to do, please call NHS 111 or visit If someone is seriously ill or injured, or you think their life may be at risk, call 999 or visit the Emergency Department at the Great Western Hospital.

"Please, never hesitate to seek help. Our doors are open to anyone who feels they or their loved ones are in need of urgent or emergency care."