Highways officers at Swindon Borough Council have come up with a ranking system to decide on which roads near schools need action most urgently.

A report to be discussed by the members of the cabinet on Wednesday says: “In light of the concerns raised in respect of Hay Lane (in West Swindon) and in the knowledge that similar concerns exist for other areas in Swindon with respect to pupil safety both outside schools and on the way to or from school.

“Cabinet approved the allocation of £500,000 over five years towards the delivery of school safe environment zones to tackle road safety and congestion.”

The new system ranks roads near schools to allow different areas to be over the next five years.

Factors include the last three years of reported collisions which caused injuries and involved children outside or going to school in the morning and afternoon, the type of road, whether more people use cars, or bicycles or walk, whether neighbours and parents have raised their concerns, and the existence of an up-to-date school travel plan.

The report says officers will have a standard menu of options which will be used to find the most appropriate solution for each individual case.

If approved on Wednesday, the assessment process will begin this year.