Summer has brought some spectacular night skies to Wiltshire and our camera clubbers have been out and about at all hours to record them.

Star gazers have been able to see the newly-discovered comet Neowise as it hurtles through the solar system and out into deep space. It won't be seen again for more than 6,000 years.

Then the Perseid meteor shower put on a great show, peaking last week.

The shower is a cloud of debris left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle and can be seen when the earth passes through the stream.

More showers are expected later this year - the Draconids and the Orionids will appear in October.

A regular in the skies has been the international space station, which was visited by the SpaceX Dragon carrying two astronauts. It was the first crewed mission for private firm SpaceX. The capsule splashed down safely in the Pacific.

The same firm has launched hundreds of daisy-chained Starlink satellites which could be seen speeding across the sky at regular intervals.