Don't blame CCG for GP appointment woes

In response to your regular correspondent Des Morgan (SA, August 11) on this - as a retired GP I am all too aware of the concerns Des expresses.

However, to paraphrase what was commonly said in World War 2 - don't you know there's a pandemic on?

Recent figures I saw showed that consultations with GPs have gone up by 70 per cent - that's a huge increase. No organisation could be expected to cope with that, still less for months or years on end.

GPs are, I know, all working their socks off; and many are suffering with their mental health.

People complain that all they get is a phone call, often after an unacceptable interval due to the unprecedented demand, but many are actually seen as a result, and those that aren't are given a prescription or referred elsewhere.

Bear in mind that NHS funding as a proportion of GDP has fallen well below the European average that was the case at the beginning of the century (when waiting lists were almost zero) and it is obvious that the entire NHS has suffered a devastating impact.

Much non-urgent work has been postponed, waiting lists are at historic levels and A&E attendances are hugely up.

Many of these attendees have conditions that are self-limiting - sore throats etc - and don't even need a GP, let alone A&E.

Of course, people are frightened - and with good reason. Most of us have lost family members through Covid.

But please, the blame doesn't lie with the CCG or any organisation - it lies with enormously increased demand resulting from Covid, which coming when the NHS was already on its knees has created a perfect storm.

Sadly, as a result of both, there will be many more excess deaths, Covid and otherwise. So please, let's get back to funding the NHS properly, at least to the European average. Is that so terribly wrong for the fifth richest nation in the world?!

Dr Chris Barry, retired GP

Apple Grove House


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