VOLUNTEERS from the Royal British Legion's Riders Branch returned to Swindon's Tesco Extra to fundraise for this year's Poppy Appeal.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the branch and the 100th of the RBL as a whole. After pandemic restrictions limited the amount of poppy sales the charity could do in 2020, there has been a surge of support from shoppers this time.

The Riders Branch will soon reach £200,000 from sales of poppies and other Remembrance symbols and gifts.

Peter Caffekey has taken over organisational duties from Andy Sleep and is thrilled with the amount of support the appeal has received from Tesco staff and customers.

He said: "The people of Swindon have been amazing, they come to see us, they always know we're here for two weeks and the store team does all it can to help us.

"Michelle Hobbs did a fantastic job with the display, she does great work each year but she really excelled herself this time.

"It's a big effort and a lot to organise to get all the stock ready - we help the other volunteers at Wichelstowe's Waitrose as well, everyone helps each other."

David Bowen co-founded the Rider's Branch with 12 other Royal British Legion members in Cheltenham in 2005 and there are now more than 6,000 around the UK.

He said: "It's exciting, we're the fastest-growing branch in the Legion's history. We wanted to attract current servicemen and veterans who had recently left.

"It's so nice to see how this branch has moved forward and the respect we have been given. We enjoy doing this and have a good time.

"Other branches often ask us to send a few bikes to their event because that boosts the amount of money raised.

"Educating the younger generation about the importance of Remembrance is a big part of what we do.

"Schoolchildren like seeing the bikes so they come up and ask questions, mentioning their grandparents or great-grandparents who fought in the wars, and teachers buy poppies for their lessons.

"We must not forget that we would not have the way of life we have now if not for the sacrifice of servicemen of all religions and nationalities who served and died for their country."

Peter served 12 years in the RAF and David served 22 years in the same force, though anyone can sign up to volunteer for the RBL and you don't have to ride motorcycles to join the Rider's Branch.

They are always looking for more volunteers to help the Poppy Appeal. Visit www.britishlegion.org.uk