THE "groundwork has been laid" for Swindon's upcoming bid to be the new HQ of Great British Railway.

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Infrastructure, Transport and Planning Gary Sumner told Monday night's Scrutiny Committee this includes talking to a major landowner in the town about a possible site for the HQ.

Great British Railway, a planned state-owned public body, was unveiled last May in a major government reform designed to oversee the nation's rail services from 2023.

In October the Department of Transport promised the national HQ will be outside London “ensuring skilled jobs, investment and economic benefits are focused beyond the capital".

The Government added: “The competition will recognise towns and cities with a rich railway history that are strongly linked to the network ensuring the first headquarters will take pride of place at the heart of a new era for Britain’s railways.”

Details of the bid prospectus are still yet to be released by the government, preventing the council from knowing exactly what it will need to include in its submission, but in a report submitted to the Scrutiny Committee, council leader David Renard said a new HQ building "would make an excellent fit with the Town’s regeneration plans."

The report adds: "Swindon is already in a strong position thanks to the town being home to the GWR Works and its strong engineering pedigree.

"The Council will be devoting significant resource to ensure that a strong bid is submitted for Swindon Town Centre."

Any potential bid has already received the support of both the town's MPs. 

For South Swindon MP Robert Buckland, all of the signs point to the town transformed into an industrial giant by Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s Great Western Railway in the mid-19th century.

Sir Robert said: “Swindon has an unparalleled history when it comes to the railways, as the birthplace of the Great Western Railway and being at the heart of Brunel’s magnificent railway vision.

“But this is not just about the past, it is about the present and the future, and it is absolutely right for Swindon to be at the forefront of any bidding process."

Conservative MP for North Swindon Justin Tomlinson said: “Our proud railway heritage, accessible location, diverse and skilled workforce and Swindon Borough Council’s willingness to embrace investment opportunities puts down a positive marker for Swindon.”

A council spokesman told the Adver earlier this year that the local authority will be releasing more details on a potential bid soon.