Protestors have described their "disgust and anger" at comments made by Devizes MP Danny Kruger. 

More than 300 people lined the streets of Devizes on Saturday after Mr Kruger said in the House of Commons that he doesn’t agree that "women have an absolute right to bodily autonomy”.

Discussions around the protest took place privately before the gathering to prevent it from getting out of hand - and it was held in a "peaceful and controlled manner".

After the protest, Danny Kruger released a statement online claiming that his comments had been "misunderstood"by the public.

He said: "What I said in the Commons was that ‘in the case of abortion’ a woman’s ‘absolute right to bodily autonomy… is qualified by the fact that another body is involved.’ This is the basis of the law as it stands, which recognises that somewhere along the journey towards birth the foetus or baby acquires rights of its own."

READ MORE: Danny Kruger: 'I do not wish to dictate what a woman should do with her own body'

Nicky, who attended the protest on Saturday morning, said: “It was really important that it wasn’t a free for all for anyone outside of his constituency.

“What was really lovely is that it wasn’t just women- there were men and a lot of families there and I’m by no means an activist but I’m close to someone who’s had to have an abortion so it felt quite important.

Describing the protest, Nicky said: “There was anger but it wasn’t an angry atmosphere.

“There was disgust, a little bit of everything- and it was great to see everyone driving along and beeping their horns.”

Jemma Brown also attended the event: “The protest was really positive, peaceful and necessary, but Danny Kruger’s statement which came after was not an apology and his comments certainly were not misunderstood - because he said it.

“He said when it comes to abortion people don’t have autonomous rights to their body, and he also said it wasn’t a public discussion but a political issue - and it absolutely isn’t.

“Imagine that you’re in that situation and it’s a politician that decides what happens to your body - that’s The Handmaid’s Tale.

“I’m fiercely going to protect my daughter’s future because she cannot be in a position where she doesn’t get to say what happens to her body.”