Locals have spoken of their horror after foxes which appeared to have been shot through the head were dumped in a community garden. 

WARNING: This article contains an image of one of the dead foxes, it has been censored but may still cause distress.

The GAP has been a fixture of the Park South for years with dozens of people, including families with young children, often using it to grow their own food for free 

But in the last week, The Carstairs Avenue site has been used as the grisly dumping ground for someone who appears to be shooting and killing foxes. 

Matthew French, who came up with the idea for the garden and is now chairman of the committee, has issued a public plea to whoever is doing this to stop. 

In a post on Facebook he said: "Whoever the sick individual is going around Parks shooting foxes in the head and dumping them at The GAP.

"PLEASE STOP IT now. The police and RSPCA have been informed."

Matthew found one fox a couple of weeks ago, and earlier this week, on Monday, November 27,  the services manager for South Swindon Parish Council, Shaun Wright, happened upon two more.

While Mr French wasn't sure how the fox he found had died, Mr Wright confirmed that the two he discovered 'had been shot in the head'. 

This has caused alarm for Matthew who has reported the incidents to Wiltshire Police 

"What's even more worrying is that if they were shot, someone in the area has a gun or air rifle and is deliberately killing the foxes.

"The one I found looked more like it was hit by a vehicle, as had a blooded scrape mark along the jaw and neckline."

This Is Wiltshire: One of the killed foxes that was abandoned at The Gap community garden in Swindon.One of the killed foxes that was abandoned at The Gap community garden in Swindon. (Image: Matthew French)Shaun added that the discovery was 'a bit distressing'.

Describing what he saw, he said: "I came across them a couple of mornings ago. They had been dumped around the signs inside the entrance to the GAP by the green open space that they’re turning into a community garden.

"I looked at the two of them and they had clearly been shot, one had a bit of mange but other than that they were quite large, healthy-looking adult foxes.

"Two red bloody splodge marks on their heads and blood coming out of their mouths. They had only been there for a matter of hours as they were not fully in rigour mortis."

He added: "Somebody over there is definitely dispatching them and thinking it's okay."

Wiltshire Police has been approached for comment.