Police are 'extremely concerned' about a 12-year-old child who has gone missing in Swindon.

Nahal Zerebecki was last seen at around 3pm on Thursday and was last seen by a friend in the Dione Crescent area at around 6pm. 

but now no one appears to know where she is.

A public appeal has now been issued urging members of the public to keep an eye out of her, or to get in touch if they may have seen her or know where she is. 

It is believed Nahal was wearing a black coat and shorts (with a top and shoes).

A spokesperson for the police said: "We are urgently appealing for information regarding the whereabouts of a child who is missing from the Swindon area.

"We are extremely concerned about her welfare.

"If anyone has any information please call us on 101 quoting log number 204 of today’s date (25/01)."

Update: Police have confirmed on Friday morning they have located Nahal