Drivers were once again witnessed ignoring ‘road closed’ signs for flooding at Staverton and Wiltshire Council failed to install the flood barriers following heavy rainfall over the weekend.

The B3105 causeway at Staverton and the B3106 cut-through from Staverton to Holt are now under two feet of flood water after the River Avon burst its banks.

Drivers coming from the B3107 Bradford on Avon Road are being advised to avoid the floods, while some drivers were seen ignoring the’ road closed’ signs.

One brave cyclist rode through the floods closely followed by a motorist.

This Is Wiltshire: One brave cyclist braves the floods over the causeway Staverton to get to work Image: Trevor Porter 70604-1One brave cyclist braves the floods over the causeway Staverton to get to work Image: Trevor Porter 70604-1 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Other drivers were seen trying to turn round when they encountered the signs outside the Cereal Partners Nestle factory at Staverton.

This Is Wiltshire: Drivers turn round at the Nestle factory at Staverton after seeing the 'road closed' sign on the Trowbridge side while drivers ignored signs on the Bradford on Avon side. Image: Trevor Porter 70604-5Drivers turn round at the Nestle factory at Staverton after seeing the 'road closed' sign on the Trowbridge side while drivers ignored signs on the Bradford on Avon side. Image: Trevor Porter 70604-5 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Wiltshire Council closed the road at 5.20pm on Sunday but a witness said the yellow flood barriers were not in place.

One eye-witness said: “The road was flooded by 3pm yesterday and at 6pm the road closed signs erected.

“The road to Holt didn’t have its yellow flood barrier put up yesterday and today although the road is now under two feet of water.”

Cllr Caroline Thomas, Wiltshire Council's Cabinet Member for Highways, said: “Our teams were tasked to close the gate, but were dealing with two other urgent road closures, and by the time they arrived at Staverton, they were unable to reach the gate safely.

“However, signage was deployed to advise drivers not to drive through the floodwater.

“We always advise drivers to drive carefully and to the conditions and, crucially, not to drive through floodwater, whether there is signage or barriers in place or not.

“We’d also advise people not to move road closure signs, which is unfortunately something that happened over the weekend.”

This Is Wiltshire: This horse rider braved the floods in Broughton Gifford where a stream floods the main road. Image: Trevor Porter 70303-1This horse rider braved the floods in Broughton Gifford where a stream floods the main road. Image: Trevor Porter 70303-1 (Image: Trevor Porter)

The B3107 at Challymead to the Farmers Roundabout at Melksham was passable but only by a single line of alternate traffic in the centre of the road.

In Bradford on Avon, residents and businesses began to prepare for flooding in the town centre for the second time this year as the water levels rose on the River Avon.

Some were seen putting their own flood defence barriers up against the front doors to their properties.

One resident of Bradford on Avon said: “I have just been to check the river at Town Bridge. It is lapping the Swan car park entrance and still rising.

Another two inches and it will be over the road. Shops have installed their flood barrier gates.

The B3109 road from Bradford on Avon to Fiveways at Box is also being affected by floods.

The bridge at Iford was flooded on A36 side.

One eye-witness said: “Water from the river was running very fast across the lane.”

Also, the narrow lane between Bradford on Avon and Westwood was closed due to deep flood water.