RESIDENTS of a hamlet near Salisbury fear becoming isolated if massive pothole is not repaired soon. 

The pothole is on Warrens Lane in Charlton-All-Saints, just north of Downton. 

David Bennett, 76, and Vince Jenkins, 64, have both lived in the hamlet with their partners for around 10 years, but they have not seen the road as bad as it is today.

After measuring the pothole on Monday, May, 13, David and Vince found it to be approximately 12.5 metres long, 2.25 metres wide and 20cm deep.

This Is Wiltshire: Vince Jenkins and David Bennett measuring the pothole

Charlton All Saints is made up of Church Lane and Warrens Lane, connected by Lower Road, and the village can be accessed by vehicle off the A338.

They are concerned that if the road surface on Church Lane begins to deteriorate, the hamlet will become isolated.

Vince, who lives on Warrens Lane, said: “Typically when people are coming to visit, we tell them not to come this way.

“But the underlying problem, of course, is not actually the road itself, although that’s the consequence we’re living with, it’s the water that covers this.”

This Is Wiltshire: Pictured: David Bennett and Vince Jenkins

The road has not been repaired since October 2023, and for smaller vehicles, it is almost unpassable. Until recently, the road was completely flooded.

He added: “The water doesn’t move away, so somewhere the drain is blocked, so it’s not being maintained, and who is responsible for this here, be that the Council or the estate again – we’re not really sure.

“But this is a colossal area of water here, this is the result of the root problem. It hasn’t been maintained for several years, so the result of that is there’s nowhere for the water to go.”

David and Vince explained how the drains surrounding Warrens Lane are blocked, so road repairs will only last a short period of time before the flooding causes more damage.

This Is Wiltshire: Pothole on Warrens Lane

Vince said: “Everyone has to use the top lane (Church Lane) so it gets very busy. If you’re walking, it’s one of the routes out of the village - so clearly there’s a lot more traffic on it.”

David and Vince have been in touch with the Council, and in February, a meeting was held, where the problems were discussed. 

READ MORE: 'Rivers' running down roads in Wiltshire’s pothole 'battle'

David said: “I have emailed Richard Clewer many times, and at the meeting in February he was there, along with director of highways and transport Samantha Howell and head of local highways Chris Clarke.

“The Council haven’t done anything, apart from provide the cones, and a sign that says ‘flood’ - which is now overgrown.

“There are school children, runners, cyclists, that would normally use this road to go to the bus, or dog walkers, it’s been out of use for people for six months."

Wiltshire Council ask residents to report any road issues on their reporting website:

In a response, Richard Clewer, leader of Wiltshire Council, said: “It has been on the list to be fixed since October if not before.  The problem we have is that the pothole has been waterlogged since October because of very high groundwater levels. 

"I have been pushing hard for action here and to look at a way to get the water drained temporarily so the repair can be carried out.  If you repair a pothole that is wet the repair will simply not take. 

"As soon as we possibly can we will get this pothole, along with a number of other across the county where there are similar circumstances with water levels, fixed.”

The Journal has contacted Longford Estate for comment.