A Royal Wootton Bassett care home has been rated 'good' by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Marsh Farm Manor Care Home in Coped Hall, run by Anchor, received the second highest possible rating

The CQC's inspection rated the care home, which provides services for up to 66 residents, highly on safety, care, and responsivity.

The inspection highlighted the friendly and supportive atmosphere in the premises.

Inspectors also noted residents confirmed the staff were kind and caring and supported them in a respectful and dignified way.

The care home also received praise after inspectors heard how happy residents were with their care.

One resident described his experience to the inspectors, saying: "The staff treat me like a king. They are lovely, very respectful.

"They let me do what I need to do and don’t stifle me."

Manager of Marsh Farm Manor Care Home, Marietta Cranfield, said: "I’m really happy that the CQC has given us a good rating.

"My team work incredibly hard to make sure Anchor’s Marsh Farm Manor Care Home is a great place for older people to live.

"Getting this kind of praise from the CQC is just the sort of recognition they deserve."

She added: “We’re proud of the care we provide, the meals we make with fresh seasonal ingredients and the wide variety of meaningful activities our residents enjoy.

"We welcome such rigorous inspections and clear ratings so older people, and their families, can judge for themselves which homes are right for them and get the standard of care they deserve.”

Resident Jean Read, 95, said: "Isn’t it lovely that Marsh Farm Manor has got a good rating from the CQC."

Another resident, Margaret Tapscott, added: "There is co-operation between carers and residents. The staff are caring and wonderful to me."

Anchor began 60 years ago and is now England’s largest not-for-profit provider of housing and care for people in later life.

It provides retirement housing to rent and to buy, retirement villages and residential care homes, including specialist dementia care.

In total, it serves more than 65,000 residents in 54,000 homes across almost 1,700 locations.

Its residential care services employ the majority of its 10,000 strong workforce, providing services to residents at 120 care homes. 

Anchor operates in more than 85 per cent of local councils in England and is an accredited real Living Wage employer.