The Royal Mint is to release a range of commemorative coins to celebrate the Battle of Waterloo more than 200 years after it took place.

The release date is yet to be announced, but Jon White, an expert from Swindon-based The Britannia Coin Company, predicts the release may fall in line with the anniversary of the battle, which took place on June 18, 1815.

He said: "The Battle of Waterloo was fought on June 18, 1815, in modern Belgium.

The tails side of the Waterloo medal coin which depicts Wellington and Blucher on horsebackThe tails side of the Waterloo medal coin which depicts Wellington and Blucher on horseback (Image: Britannia Coin Company)

"An allied coalition led by the Duke of Wellington drove back Emperor Bonaparte's forces in a closely fought victory that brought the Napoleonic Wars to a close.

"The peace negotiations that followed would redraw the map of Europe and position Britain as a formidable military and economic powerhouse.

“Soldiers who took part in the battle received a medal to wear, but allied leaders and other dignitaries were meant to receive a large commemorative medal to celebrate the victory. This didn’t actually happen.”

The medal was meant to be designed by Italian artist Benedetto Pistrucci, but he delayed the job, taking more than 30 years to complete the design.

The medal, measuring more than 10cm in diameter, was therefore not struck in his lifetime as most of the intended recipients were dead by the time it was finished.

Two centuries later, the artist's design will now be featured on UK coinage for the first time as part of an exclusive collection produced by The Royal Mint called The Great Engravers.

Mr White continued: "These coins offer collectors a chance to own beautiful and rare coin designs from the past, remastered using a fusion of modern technology and historic craftsmanship."

Information published in March revealed The Royal Mint will produce two kg and five kg solid gold coins as part of the range, as well as smaller, limited-edition 24-carat gold and 999 silver collectables.

Mr White added: "Previous coins in the sought-after Great Engravers series have sold out quickly as collectors rush to get hold of these highly collectable designs.

"We think The Royal Mint will produce even fewer of these new Waterloo coins, which will drive up demand, meaning that they could be very valuable in the future."

The Waterloo coins will be released in two batches.

One side of the original medal will be reproduced this year, with a portrait of King Charles III on the other side. The second side of the medal will follow in 2025.