Swindon Borough Council is heading to court to remove a group of travellers that have been living in an abandoned park and ride. 

At least three caravans and a car can be seen parked up at the disused land on Pipers Way and their owners have secured the sight with their own chains and padlocks, preventing Swindon Borough Council from entering it.

This has left the local authority needing a court order in order to forcibly remove the settlers from the Wroughton facility, and a court date has been confirmed for Swindon Magistrates Court on Monday, June 10. 

The court listing says the following: "Complaint that persons and the vehicles in which they are residing are present on land, namely open land at Wroughton Park and Ride, Swindon, in contravention of a direction given under section 77 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. In accordance with section 78 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994."

If the complaint is upheld, Swindon Borough Council will be able to regain access to the land and move the trespassing group on. 

The alarm was first raised when residents started noticing people entering and leaving the site, locking a gate behind them. 

And in May, Swindon Borough Council confirmed that the group did not have permission to be on the gated site.